Physiotherapie, Literatur

E-Bibliothek Gesundheitskompetenz des DNGK

Hier finden Sie die in der Datenbank des DNGK eingestellten Fachartikel zum Thema Gesundheitsberufe und Gesundheitskompetenz.

Literatur Physiotherapie
Adams, Leonie, Janine Feicke, Tobias Eckert, Ulrike Spörhase, Wiebke Göhner, and Eva-Maria Bitzer. "Ein motivational-volitionales Programm für Frauen nach Brustkrebs verbessert die sportliche Aktivität 12 Monate nach der Rehabilitation – Ergebnisse einer prospektiven kontrollierten Studie." Die Rehabilitation 60, no. 2 (April 2021): 110–23.
Barth, Cornelia Anne, Maggie Donovan-Hall, Catherine Blake, Noor Jahan Akhtar, Saeda Al-Barawi, Herman Kazibwe, and Cliona O’Sullivan. “‘Otherwise … He Will Be a Beggar’: A Focus Group Study to Understand the Perspectives of Physiotherapists about Measuring Rehabilitation Outcomes and Impact in Low-Resource and Conflict-Affected Settings.” Disability and Rehabilitation, August 1, 2023, 1–12.
Bird, Marie-Louise, Shandell Elmer, Richard H. Osborne, Anna Flittner, and Jane O’Brien. “Training Physiotherapists to Be Responsive to Their Clients’ Health Literacy Needs.” Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, November 23, 2020, 1–9.
Bossmann, Tanja, Inge Kirchberger, Andrea Glaessel, Gerold Stucki, and Alarcos Cieza. “Validation of the Comprehensive ICF Core Set for Osteoarthritis: The Perspective of Physical Therapists.” Physiotherapy 97, no. 1 (March 2011): 3–16.
Braun, Cordula, and Tanja Boßmann. "Cochrane für die Physiotherapie – den Zugang zu Evidenz erleichtern • Wissen Was Wirkt." Wissen Was Wirkt, March 30, 2021.
Braun, Cordula, and Helen H. Handoll. “Estimating the Minimal Important Difference for the Western Ontario Rotator Cuff Index (WORC) in Adults with Shoulder Pain Associated with Partial-Thickness Rotator Cuff Tears.” Musculoskeletal Science & Practice 35 (June 2018): 30–33.
Braun, Cordula, Nigel Hanchard, Helen Handoll, Alan Batterham, and University of Teesside. Predicting the outcome of physiotherapy in adults with painful partial-thickness rotator cuff tears., 2016.
Braun, Tobias, Alina Rieckmann, Franziska Weber, and Christian Grüneberg. "Current use of measurement instruments by physiotherapists working in Germany: a cross-sectional online survey." BMC Health Services Research 18, no. 1 (October 23, 2018): 810.
Braun, Cordula, Nigel C. Hanchard, Helen H. Handoll, and Andreas Betthäuser. “Predicting the Outcome of Conservative Treatment with Physiotherapy in Adults with Shoulder Pain Associated with Partial-Thickness Rotator Cuff Tears - a Prognostic Model Development Study.” BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 19, no. 1 (September 11, 2018): 329.
Briggs, Andrew M., and Joanne E. Jordan. "The importance of health literacy in physiotherapy practice." Journal of Physiotherapy 56, no. 3 (2010): 149–51.
Busch, C., J. Clasen, N. Deci, K. Keller-Landvogt, F. Maßholder, J. Vowinkel, and E. Winkler. “Arbeitswelt als Zugang – ein Multiplikatorenprogramm zur Gesundheitsförderung von Un- und Angelernten mit hohem Migrantenanteil: ReSuDi.” Gesundheitswesen (Bundesverband Der Arzte Des Offentlichen Gesundheitsdienstes (Germany)) 77 Suppl 1 (September 2015): S35-36.
Carvalho, Flávia A., Mark R. Elkins, Márcia R. Franco, and Rafael Z. Pinto. “Are Plain-Language Summaries Included in Published Reports of Evidence about Physiotherapy Interventions? Analysis of 4421 Randomised Trials, Systematic Reviews and Guidelines on the Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro).” Physiotherapy 105, no. 3 (2019): 354–61.
Chenot, Jean-François, Martin Scherer, Annette Becker, Norbert Donner-Banzhoff, Erika Baum, Corinna Leonhardt, Stefan Keller, et al. “Acceptance and Perceived Barriers of Implementing a Guideline for Managing Low Back in General Practice.” Implementation Science: IS 3 (February 7, 2008): 7.
Chenot, Jean-François, Annette Becker, Corinna Leonhardt, Stefan Keller, Norbert Donner-Banzhoff, Erika Baum, Michael Pfingsten, Jan Hildebrandt, Michael M. Kochen, and Heinz-Dieter Basler. “Determinants for Receiving Acupuncture for LBP and Associated Treatments: A Prospective Cohort Study.” BMC Health Services Research 6 (November 17, 2006): 149.
Chenot, Jean-François, Corinna Leonhardt, Stefan Keller, Martin Scherer, Norbert Donner-Banzhoff, Michael Pfingsten, Heinz-Dieter Basler, Erika Baum, Michael M. Kochen, and Annette Becker. “The Impact of Specialist Care for Low Back Pain on Health Service Utilization in Primary Care Patients: A Prospective Cohort Study.” European Journal of Pain (London, England) 12, no. 3 (April 2008): 275–83.
Estel, Katharina, Julian Scherer, Heiko Dahl, Eva Wolber, Noah D. Forsat, and David A. Back. “Potential of Digitalization within Physiotherapy: A Comparative Survey.” BMC Health Services Research 22, no. 1 (April 13, 2022): 496.
Gani, Saskia De, Doris Schaeffer, Robert Griebler, Rebecca Jaks, Alexander Haarmann, Lennert Griese, Denise Schütze, and Christa Straßmayr. "Professional health literacy - first results of a pilot study in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland." Population Medicine 5, no. Supplement (April 26, 2023).
Giovannetti, Ambra Mara, Anna Barabasch, Andrea Giordano, Rui Quintas, Serena Barello, Guendalina Graffigna, Sara Alfieri, et al. "Construction of a User-Led Resource for People Transitioning to Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis: Results of an International Nominal Group Study." Frontiers in Neurology 11 (August 18, 2020).
Glaessel, Andrea, Inge Kirchberger, Gerold Stucki, and Alarcos Cieza. “Does the Comprehensive International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) Core Set for Breast Cancer Capture the Problems in Functioning Treated by Physiotherapists in Women with Breast Cancer?” Physiotherapy 97, no. 1 (March 2011): 33–46.
Glässel, Andrea, Inge Kirchberger, Barbara Kollerits, Edda Amann, and Alarcos Cieza. "Content Validity of the Extended ICF Core Set for Stroke: An International Delphi Survey of Physical Therapists." Physical Therapy 91, no. 8 (August 1, 2011): 1211–22.
Kloek, Corelien J. J., Joep Janssen, and Cindy Veenhof. “Development of a Checklist to Assist Physiotherapists in Determination of Patients’ Suitability for a Blended Treatment.” Telemedicine Journal and E-Health: The Official Journal of the American Telemedicine Association 26, no. 8 (August 2020): 1051–65.
Kühn, Lukas, Lara Lindert, Paulina Kuper, Robert Prill, and Kyung-Eun (Anna) Choi. "Research designs and instruments to detect physiotherapy overuse of low-value care services in low back pain management: a scoping review." BMC Health Services Research 23, no. 1 (February 23, 2023): 193.
Lohkamp, Monika, Cordula Braun, Mieke Wasner, and Sebastian Voigt-Radloff. “Potenzialanalyse zur physiotherapeutischen Laufbandtherapie bei Morbus Parkinson.” Zeitschrift Fur Evidenz, Fortbildung Und Qualitat Im Gesundheitswesen 108 Suppl 1 (2014): S29-35.
Mühlhaus, Teresa, Katharina Rathmann, and Hans-Joachim Lincke. "Arbeitsbezogene Belastungen und psychische Beanspruchungen von PhysiotherapeutInnen: eine quantitative Primärerhebung mit dem "Copenhagen Psychological Questionnaire" (COPSOQ)." Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung 15, no. 2 (May 1, 2020): 129–35.
Nickl, Johanna, and Katharina Rathmann. "Gesundheitskompetenz in der Pflege- und Physiotherapie-Ausbildung." In Gesundheitskompetenz, edited by Katharina Rathmann, Kevin Dadaczynski, Orkan Okan, and Melanie Messer, 1–10. Springer Reference Pflege – Therapie – Gesundheit. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2022.
Schmid, Ludwig, Andrea Glässel, and Corina Schuster-Amft. "Therapists' Perspective on Virtual Reality Training in Patients after Stroke: A Qualitative Study Reporting Focus Group Results from Three Hospitals." Stroke Research and Treatment 2016 (December 12, 2016): e6210508.
Simon, Anke, Margrit Ebinger, and Elisabeth Holoch. “Die Gesundheitskompetenz von angehenden Ärzt*innen Pflegenden, Hebammen, Therapeut*innen und Gesundheitsmanager*innen in Deutschland – Explorative Pilotstudie.” Gesundheitswesen (Bundesverband Der Arzte Des Offentlichen Gesundheitsdienstes (Germany)) 84, no. 11 (November 2022): 1039–49.
Slinger, Claire, Syed B. Mehdi, Stephen J. Milan, Steven Dodd, Jessica Matthews, Aashish Vyas, and Paul A. Marsden. “Speech and Language Therapy for Management of Chronic Cough.” The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 7 (July 23, 2019): CD013067.
Speirs, Catherine, Ting Hui Tan, Kerry Morris, Idris Albalushi, Ioannis Dimitrios Valmas, and Nikki Carter. "The Role of the Physiotherapist in Learning Disabilities: Communication and Health Literacy." Physiopedia, 2016.
Thomas, Peter, Claire Baldwin, Bernie Bissett, Ianthe Boden, Rik Gosselink, Catherine L Granger, Carol Hodgson, et al. "Physiotherapy management for COVID-19 in the acute hospital setting: clinical practice recommendations." Journal of Physiotherapy 66, no. 2 (April 1, 2020): 73–82.
Voigt-Barbarowicz, Mona, Günter Dietz, Nicole Renken, Ruben Schmöger, and Anna Levke Brütt. “Patients’ Health Literacy in Rehabilitation: Comparison between the Estimation of Patients and Health Care Professionals.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19, no. 6 (March 16, 2022): 3522.
Wannheden, Carolina, and Åsa Revenäs. “How People with Parkinson’s Disease and Health Care Professionals Wish to Partner in Care Using EHealth: Co-Design Study.” Journal of Medical Internet Research 22, no. 9 (September 21, 2020): e19195.
Weishaar, Heide, Eva-Maria Berens, Dominique Vogt, Svea Gille, Annett Horn, Sebastian Schmidt-Kaehler, and Doris Schaeffer. "Physiotherapeuten als wichtige Berater – Mangelware Gesundheitskompetenz." physiopraxis 16, no. 01 (January 2018): 12–14.
Wirner, Corinna, Claudia Pott, Michaela Kirschneck, and Michaela Coenen. "Das Konstrukt Gesundheitskompetenz in Ausbildung und Studium der Physiotherapie in Deutschland – Ergebnisse einer Dokumentenanalyse." physioscience, February 18, 2021.
Wirner, Corinna, Claudia Pott, Michaela Kirschneck, and Michaela Coenen. “Bundesweite Bestandsaufnahme zum Konstrukt Gesundheitskompetenz aus der Perspektive der Profession Physiotherapie.” Gesundheitswesen (Bundesverband Der Arzte Des Offentlichen Gesundheitsdienstes (Germany)), May 15, 2020.
Zander, Carla Maria, Julia Gerlach, and Karina Karolina De Santis. "Erwartungen an die physiotherapeutische Behandlung – Ergebnisse einer Online-Befragung von in Deutschland lebenden Erwachsenen." physioscience, March 9, 2022.
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